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So much has happened in the last few months.
One of those things, it's a project wich I'm working on, with a group of friends.
Heróis Urbanos (temporary name) is a work in progress of a social network that may help people work toghether as volunteers.
We are devoloping, from scratch, a system that will simplify the information, make the connection between volunteers and entities simple and effective.
The result: more work done and, step by by step, moving towards a better social coexistance.
Heróis Urbanos
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Victor Martins
sábado, outubro 24, 2009
Farm upgrade
Today I planted some seeds on the land.
It was Turnip (Nabos), ? ( Nabiças ), Leek (Alho Francês), Tomatoes and Courgettes. I also have some carrots planted on a box.
As soon as I can I will plant some more varieties.
I also have some new pictures from last week.
I've made two more beds..
And I've made a compost bin and a vermicompost one ( aka worm farm )
There are some pictures of how I cutted the cardboard and plants. It's not the most practical way...
The Vermicompost bin:
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Victor Martins
domingo, março 08, 2009
My first attempt to follow the Emilia Hazelip Synergistic Gardening technique.
This six pictures show the process of the field preparation.
00 - Original state of the field
01 - The "beds" are ready, as well as the paths around them.
02 - Cardboard and newspapper is applied.
03 to 05. straw is putted on top.
Synergistic Gardening by Emilia Hazelip 754864235132
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Victor Martins
segunda-feira, fevereiro 16, 2009